Wing and Trap Shooting (Legacy Edition): A Classic Handbook on Marksmanship and Tips and Tricks for Hunting Upland Game Birds and Waterfowl [Book]
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: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Antiques / Collectibles
: Charles Askins
: Eagle Nest Press, paperback
This unabridged reprint Legacy Edition of Charles Askins' Wing and Trap Shooting is a classic handbook on wing, trap, skeet, and general bird hunting and clay shooting. Originally published in 1910, Askins discusses maintenance and use of firearms for hunting, as well as multiple tips and tricks to make the most out of your hunting field trip. Over 100 years old, this antique manual is a wonderful study on the history of hunting, target shooting, marksmanship, and the long-lived sport of wing and trap shooting. - This comprehensive guidebook for outdoors enthusiasts and hunters includes chapters on wing-shooting procedures and proper form, how to sight and aim firearms for birds, types of shot and patterns, psychology of shooting, speed of bird flight and mental calculations for shooting, hints on targeting different game birds, how to do clay bird shooting, and field etiquette. - This vintage book includes timeless knowledge about bird hunting and life outdoors! Although this book represents thought from a former time, it also reveals much about the rich history of outdoors recreation, and many of the tips, tricks, and discussions are still relevant for study today! A part of The Classic Outing Handbooks Collection: Volume 13This Doublebit Legacy Edition reprint of Wing and Trap Shooting is professionally restored and presented from the original source, including inspiration from the book's original cover, with the highest degree of fidelity possible. Readers can enjoy this Legacy Edition for generations to come and learn from its timeless knowledge. - About the Doublebit Press Legacy Editions Sometimes, remembering our heritage is just fun or inspirational. These skills aren't forgotten, they've just been shelved. It's time to unshelve them once again and reclaim the lost knowledge of self-sufficiency! As a part of the Doublebit Press Legacy Edition Collection, this unabridged volume is reprinted in the exact form as it was presented in the original publication. Both important and minor details have equally both been accounted for by our publishing staff, down to the cover, font, layout, and images. It is the goal of Doublebit Legacy Edition series to preserve outdoors heritage, but also be cherished as collectible pieces, worthy of collection in any handcrafter's or outdoorsperson's library and that can be passed to future generations.
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