97 reviews
Have a fixed mindset? Good luck with that
Peepˇ Review provided by ˇ February 5, 2015
I picked up this book with the full knowledge that I have a "fixed" mindset (I'm driven by achievement, rewards, and external praise) and wanting to get some insight on how to change that. This book gives endless examples of the "fixed" mindset and how that lead the person or organization to failure (some of the examples are actually quite successful), and endless examples of the "growth" mindset, and how having that particular mindset lead the person or organization to greater success.

Great! I'm on board with this whole "mindset" modality. Let's get started and do the hard work to fix that! Unfortunately this book does not give you anything except for page after page after page of anecdotes. Seriously. That's it. So, I gather from other reviewers on other websites that by reading the anecdotes you will change? Not sure how that's supposed to work, but ok. Rock on with your PhD in psychology and Stanford professorship, girlfriend!
nikkiikkin85ˇ Review provided by ˇ December 28, 2024
Well packaged and wrapped. The book is new. The paper and printing quality is very good. The text is easy to read and the back print is obvious.
ˇ Review provided by ˇ February 15, 2022
Bought this book as recommended by the well-known Aiman Azlan. I guess in this pandemic era, mindset plays an important roles to make us grow and move forward. Haven’t finished reading this book yet but I hope it gives a new perspective to me! Thank you seller! Fast shipping, well-packed! 👍🏼
meg.pˇ Review provided by ˇ October 6, 2016
Holy moly—this book is AMAZING. I'm blown away by how life-altering this book has been. It is loaded with helpful content, and it's such a breeze to read! I flipped through this book so quickly because it's just that good. Super affordable and so worth it! I would highly recommend this book for any professional, but especially for teachers like myself who will be working with and teaching young people the positives of a growth mindset!
Showing results 1–4 of 97