62 reviews
It deserves a read
kingbooker· Review provided by · September 22, 2021
Most negative reviews of this book have been ad hominem attacks. They attack the author, not their research and citations. Does the rapid increase in female to male transexuals deserve to be studied? Yes. They went from a statistically insignificant percentage of the population to over two percent in some areas. It is statistically unlikely that whole friend groups would suddenly decide they were trans. The book points out flaws in the current treatment -the condition is self diagnosed -treatment can be given to minors without parental consent or knowledge -female to male transexuals went from almost non-existent to the largest segment AND IT ONLY OCCURS IN TEENAGE GIRLS. It used to be before any medical intervention would be approved, a transexual would have to live as their preferred sex for a year now if you self diagnose YOU CAN START TREATMENT IMMEDIATELY Does the hypotheses put forth in the book plausible Yes. A social contagion be at play (teenage girls are historically the group most susceptible to mass hysteria) IT DESERVES TO BE INVESTIGATED AND DISCUSSED without accusations of transphobia or a political agenda being at work. Is it a social contagion? It needs more research. It could be caused by chemicals in plastic or another environmental factor. But again, when a group goes from being almost statistically non-existent IN ANY GROUP to being the most represented Research into the cause would seem like an obvious area of study Is the book perfect? No. But its hypotheses seems plausible.
Well researched and compassionate
Chris· Review provided by · March 4, 2021
I found this book to be well-researched, well-cited, and compassionate. Abigail is concerned with the well-being of girls. She makes a compelling case that children are being used as pawns for a political project. People are afraid to speak out due to the cultural and political power wielded by the ones who call themselves woke. Children go to school and are taught from kindergarten on to be science deniers; that biology isn't real, that gender is a "social construct", that they were "assigned" to be a boy or a girl at birth (at random, apparently), and are encouraged to "choose" another gender (this is how you deconstruct). Once they do, everyone is supposed to "affirm" the new gender. That's right, they don't "affirm" your daughter or son's gender until she or he chooses a different one. Only at that point must you "affirm". If you don't "affirm", you're a bad parent and "transphobic".

Abigail also takes apart the emotional abuse tactics used on parents.

I'm going through Judith Butler books now to better understand the ideological underpinnings of this. Butler argues that the behavior of men and women is unconnected to anything in biology; that males and females would behave exactly the same were it not for society's influences. That's the social construction/postmodern worldview. Butler cites Michel Foucault and Simone de Beauvoir and argues that assertions of biological difference between men and women, even possibly including biological sex aren't real, and are, in fact, nothing more than assertions of power. Therefore, gender must be deconstructed as it only exists so men (if there is such a thing) can play a power game. What's being sold to us thus follows neatly from de Beauvoir, Foucault, and Butler.

Perhaps the best part about Abigail's book is the section about what you can do to help keep your child from being harmed. Buy it before it's banned more places, and start pushing back.
I would most definitely not buy this book
SRT· Review provided by · November 18, 2020
It's difficult to express how awful it is to encounter a book or piece of text that both Blanchard and Zucher like.

Pretty much anything they do is designed to harm, hinder, obfuscate, or damage the experiences, needs, and support that transgender people need to live their lives. The whole of the profession is lessened by their involvement, and anything the support is one that pretty much the entire trans community is both terrified because of the harm it will undoubtedly cause to the community, and in solidarity against.

Their support for this author demonstrated clearly, even before I read it, that is both vehemently, and viciously transphobic. The evidence is, at its most generous, 'massaged', and at worst deliberately and mendaciously twisted to fit her preconceived ideological perspective of this supposed terrible danger to "our daughters". The academic work is shoddy, and profoundly biased.

It does read quote well though. She knows how to construct sentences and an argument - and it has the capacity to persuade others that there is substance to her argument. When there is not. This whole 'contagion' idea has not sustance, and no foundation. Everything that stems from this piece of idology is designed to propagate the false narrative that the 'evil trans peoplez' have evil mysterious power to seduce weak vulnerable helpless girls to the dark side of some kind of trans cult.

It would be hilarious if it was not so harmful. And it would be dismissed out of hand if this so called evil cult of transness had even an iota of the power it is attributed with.

Do yourself a favour and drink laxative instead. It'll probably be better for you than this pile of awful
Horribly offensive and transphobic
Jay· Review provided by · July 15, 2022
This is absolutely outrageous to think that you can speak on transgender issues as a cisgender woman. Yes, people make mistakes in their identity but that is why you question and explore. It's hard to tell who you are and how you feel especially when books like this tell those who genuinely suffer from gender dysphoria that your feelings are wrong and you were just convinced by someone else. Gender dysphoria has been seen more because people have actually been able to know what it is. And the education wasn't hidden from them. People get misdiagnosed or label themselves wrong all the time. Misinformation like this doesn't help whatsoever. If you're not trans or not seeking out further education from endocrinologists and transgender individuals do not write things like this. Do not write about a group you are not a part of. If you're a parent of a trans child, TALK TO YOUR CHILD and go to accepting resources to understand. Do not read blatant transphobic sources like this. It's completely dehumanizing and undermining your child of how they feel. Don't read this, Sincerely a trans man.
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