17 reviews
Very helpful
· Review provided by · April 30, 2020
Theme: The subject matter is about mainly about personal ministry that every Christian is called to do. Tripp gives a biblical view of how we should counsel other people, that is, by letting God's word and his story of redemption through Christ to speak into and guide our lives and transforming how we interpret all our circumstances and thus our behaviour to be inline with our identity in Christ and as God's people. In this book, Tripp emphasises the importance of speaking the truth in love. He also reminds us that our goal is not just to repeat or recite bible verses we know, but to know, understand and care for our fellow brethren. On the other hand, our love must be guided by Scripture and what God is doing in each situation.\n\nAudience: The intended audience for this book is the general layperson. The subject matter is for all Christians, but more specifically, this would be especially helpful for those who would like to serve others in the church through hospitality and caring for them. That said, all who read this book will benefit greatly, as Tripp mentions, we are all called to be ambassadors of Christ. The reading difficulty level is not high, it is an easy read will many helpful illustration and scenarios which help the reader think through practical applications. The book is very relevant to the audience as each chapter addresses a new topic, giving practical ways for the reader to apply all that is taught.\n \nStyle: The style of writing is very clear and structured.
Life Changing
· Review provided by · November 5, 2018
I read this book primarily to help me minister to the young people in my care, and while I have gained valuable tools for that role, this book has also changed me profoundly. All based on sound doctrine, but with practical counselling advice for how to apply biblical truth. It is quite a lengthy book, and at times repetitive, but I believe in a good way - reminding me of what I had already learned in the book at crucial points. It is intended for all congregation members to read, but at time illustrations and content can make it seem like it is written primarily for ministry leaders. Despite this, It is well worth all Christians reading, as it helps so much with taking the time to understand ourselves, as good questions of our friends who are hurting and really feel like we have the tools to help in awful situations. The main focus of the book is identifying the problems with our own hearts and how we respond in tough situations, in order to grow in character, rather than feeling victim to hard circumstances. I would suggest if readers are in the middle of their own awful situation they take care, particularly if struggling with marital issues, as some of the illustrations may feel a little close to home and cause further distress. This is a book I will keep on the regular reading shelf as I keep caring for people God has placed in my life.
This book in useful in at least 2 major ways
· Review provided by · December 7, 2016
Firslty, this book is a great tool for someone who is looking at being an Ambassador for Christ, as "We are therefore Christ's Ambassadors" (2Co 5:20), helping, supporting, and strengthening God's Children, and bringing them to Him - we are His instruments. \r\n\r\nPersonally, then, I also used this book for self help and growth. Applying the concepts and understanding contained within has enabled me to self counsel (with God). Also to realise why my life has been what it has been. But also then to see how God has been preparing me to be an Ambassador to others for Christ in this broken world... as is all our rolls has His children. \r\nSo, this is a great tool for self growth as well as building strength and understanding into our roll as Christ's Ambassadors. \r\n\r\n
Definitely worth buying and reading
mommadonnadawna· Review provided by · August 3, 2021
Can't say enough good about this book. So good and worth the read and life application that I bought 3 more copies for my close friends, that would benefit from it too.
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