This volume presents a study of the changing images and differing ways that the life of English poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616) has been interpreted throughout history.
These essays celebrate the many ways in which he has enhanced our understanding through his skill in balancing historical contexts with a recognition and respect for the importance of individual authorship.
This book is one the earliest attempts to write a theoretical method for evidence within plays to help determine authorship or to help distinguish the work of one author from another.
Une biographie du célèbre dramaturge, loin des mythes, des légendes et des erreurs. L'auteur s'est appuyé sur des documents irréfutables : actes d'état civil, d'anoblissement, actes notariés et testament.
In this collection of essays well-known academics reflect on Braithwaite's work by addressing two leading questions: What are the implications of a republican theory of justice for criminology and criminal policy?