inauthor:"Ronald Carter" from
As a child growing up in Philadelphia, I always wondered what I wanted to be when I became an adult.
inauthor:"Ronald Carter" from
This is a guide to the main developments in the history of British and Irish literature, charting some of the main features of literary language development and highlighting key language topics.
inauthor:"Ronald Carter" from
A major grammar reference book of modern English, specially written for intermediate learners of English.
inauthor:"Ronald Carter" from
This book shows the reader how to undertake detailed, language-focussed, contextually sensitive analyses of a wide range of texts – spoken, written and multimodal.
inauthor:"Ronald Carter" from
The book comes with a free CD-ROM that provides the book content and nearly 200 additional entries, plus audio recordings of all the examples and dialogues.
inauthor:"Ronald Carter" from
In this ground-breaking book, bestselling author Ronald Carter explores the idea that creativity, far from being simply a property of exceptional people, is an exceptional property of all people.
inauthor:"Ronald Carter" from
How do words work in literary texts? In this book, Ronald Carter provides the necessary basis for the further study of modern English vocabulary with particular reference to linguistic descriptive frameworks and educational contexts.
inauthor:"Ronald Carter" from
Designed as a dictionary, but possessing an encyclopedic range, Keywords in Language and Literacy, provides an invaluable guide to the debates surrounding language and literacy.
inauthor:"Ronald Carter" from
The CD-ROM provides the book content and nearly 200 additional entries, plus audio recordings of all the examples and dialogues. The Workbook contains hundreds of varied tasks and exercises, plus full answer key.
inauthor:"Ronald Carter" from
In this book Michael McCarthy and Ronald Carter describe the discoursal properties of language and demonstrate what insights this approach can offer to the student and teacher of language.