These volumes constitute a reference work of importance not only for literature specialists, bibliographers, and historians of book production but also for economic, social, and political historians.
The Chronology and Calendar of Documents relating to the London Book Trade 1641-1700 provides, for the first time, easy access to information about the authors, printers, and distributors of books in the later seventeenth century.
These volumes constitute a reference work of importance not only for literature specialists, bibliographers, and historians of book production but also for economic, social, and political historians.
To this end the project aimed to identify current national practice, engage the higher education community in discussion of peer review of teaching, and ensure alignment between peer review of teaching and the criteria and guidelines for ...
VMails from My Father is a poignant account of a World War II Soldier's story, while he was stationed in Italy, including photos, maps and V-Mail correspondence sent home.