This book is about digital media. Even more, the book is about us. It explains how the ever-growing flood of digital media affects our perceptions of the world, change our behaviors and eventually transform our very existence.
... in Author ; but the indecent expressions , and all the illusions of an the Roman Empire , adapted to the use of ... Thomas Bowdler , Persons ; in which the Civ expensive and ill - executed volumes which have hitherto mono- Civil ...
... In Author , and other new Plates , 213.36 ? 2 vols . post 8vo . with a Portrait of the 6. Two Years in New South ... Thomas Bowdler , Esq . F.R.S. & c . In 8 vols . 8νο . Also in 10 vols . royal 18mo . price 31. 3s . boards . " We ...
This book is a provocative and invigorating real-time exploration of the future of human evolution by two of the world’s leading interdisciplinary ecologists – Michael Charles Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison.
Embarking upon a kind of biographical-political-cultural-literary criticism, this book brings the radical eccentrics' vital, potentially transformative conversation to the attention of scholars of English literature for the first time, ...
... BOWDLER'S FAMILY price 308 . LIFE of B. R. HAYDON , Historical Painter , from his Autobiography and Journals . Edited by TOM TAYLOR , M.A. 3 vols . post 8vo . price 318. 6d . Mr. JOHN FRANCIS'S ANNALS , ANECDOTES , and LEGENDS : A ...