" Footnotes give additional information concerning many of the people listed. This volume was published in 1949 to help scholarly research in the history of colonial of Georgia.
And can Jehosheba overcome her fear and save the family--and the nation--she loves? With deft skill, Mesu Andrews brings Old Testament passages to life, revealing a fascinating story of the power of unconditional love.
... Ward , Mary Augusta ( Arnold ) ' , a name which she never used as an author . Rule 49 , Entry under given name or ... in author statements or in reference sources may be added to a person's name to distinguish him from other ...
With this edition, Leslie J. Reagan provides a new preface that addresses the dangerous and ongoing threats to abortion access across the country, and the precarity of our current moment.
This is an adaptation of Introduction to Sociology 3e by OpenStax. You can access the textbook as pdf for free at openstax.org. Minor editorial changes were made to ensure a better ebook reading experience.
It tells the story of a people trapped in ideological folly spawned to solve 'the half-caste problem'. It gives life to those generations of Aboriginal people assumed to have no history and whose past labels them only as shadowy figures.