... week launched an official ' campaign to build newcomer Steve Schulte as an established record artist, marking what ... Creative. Freedoms. By BOB BERNSTEIN NEW YORK — Why isn't Tennessee Williams working in television? Why not Lemer ...
... weekly column. With creative insight and a skill for accurately assessing new talent, he presented subjects and events occurring in the black entertainment business via a mainstream vehicle that would garner critical attention for his ...
... in author Duke's two other programs in the PC-SIG Library. STAR FINDER ON DISPLAY (display the Milky Way or a ... CREATIVE SERVICES ................. ..Herbert Stem VICE PRESIDENT. CIRCULATION .......................... ..Alicia ...
... creative contributions and cultural originality of black folk. A black co-ed explains her experience at a ... in Author's opinion is that "the two most gallant symbols of ... new sense of community and brotherhood among black ...
... week, under volunteer teachers for the most part untrained for their exceedingly complicated and difficult task. The ... creative work, give the room an air of austerity in keeping with the regimented discipline. 2. The teacher is ...