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Remembering the life of Dr. George Thomas Carlyle GIBSON
Vancouver Sun and Province Obituaries
Dr. George Thomas Carlyle GIBSON passed away. This is the full obituary where you can express condolences and share memories. Published in the Vancouver Sun...
1 week ago
VIEWPOINT: Celebrating heroes of Delaware's life science frontier
Delaware Business Times
Delaware Bioscience Association CEO Michael Fleming commended both U.S. Sen. Tom Carper and Mike Bowman for developing Delaware's life science sector.
3 weeks ago
Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay - Historian, Writer, Politician
Macaulay's History of England brought him a secure, if diminished, place among English historians as the founder, with his contemporary Henry Hallam, of what...
3 weeks ago
Julia Margaret Cameron: A Pioneer Who Redefined Portraiture
The Phoblographer
Julia Margaret Cameron revolutionized photography with her unique vision. Read more to see how her approach transformed the medium.
2 days ago
DEAR ANNIE: A new approach to thank-you notes
Clinton Herald
Dear Annie: “Numb and Lost” wrote to you regarding emotional detachment as a result of trauma and challenges in their life and struggles with finding proper...
5 days ago
Educating Hands for Human Flourishing? or Economic Growth?
Front Porch Republic
What is education for? And by what means can one be educated? To those who do not come from an educational background or have not given these questions much...
4 days ago
Who Takes 60 Years to Write a Play? This Guy.
The New York Times
A new biography of Goethe approaches its subject through his masterpiece and life's work, the verse drama “Faust.”
3 weeks ago
Goethe's Bargain by Sebastian Milbank | Articles
First Things
Goethe: His Faustian Life by a. n. wilson bloomsbury, 416 pages, $35. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is among the most confusing and compelling of all European...
1 week ago
Great leaders: Balancing efficiency, effectiveness, and community impact
Business Standard
There are two contrasting views about great leadership. Business writing has largely adopted the “Great Man Theory”, perhaps inspired by Scottish essayist...
3 weeks ago
Why we can’t escape the Victorians The whole past is not like the recent past
Charles Dickens never used profanity, despite publishing several million words of prose. It's exactly the sort of titbit that makes us imagine history was...
1 week ago