Oct 8, 2023 · His dwelling in the cherubims was the sensible sign of his dwelling among the Israelites, and being their Elahim. His dwelling in Christ is ...
May 19, 2021 · Perfect being is perfect forever; and perfect power cannot be conceived without absolute perfection subsisting in the most perfect manner. For ...
N.B. The above-cited author and work were highly esteemed by John Newton. You may also wish to consult the DNB entry of Robert Riccaltoun.
Hope guards against the bad effects of grief and disappointment, and keeps the man from sinking into sullen despair. Robert Riccaltoun, Essays on Human...
He obviously was well read in philosophy and theology. Other than being acquainted with the terminology, he also knew something (or it was well known during his ...
Jun 24, 2014 · Thomas Boston made this passing criticism of "relative union" with Christ in his sermon on union with Christ (Works. Vol. 1, pg. 546):
Jun 24, 2008 · Robert Norris who is the senior minister at 4th Presbyterian Church (EPC) in Bethesda, Maryland. I have listened with much profit to those ...
Sep 5, 2007 · In the most recent issue of Modern Reformation the Roman Catholic scholar Robert Sungenis says: "There is no passage we can point to that ...
Dec 9, 2019 · True faith will enable him to endure, because true, unfeigned faith fixes one's eyes upon God alone, and upon His bounteous mercy and grace.
We need more than a cold approbation of God's absolute goodness (Robert Riccaltoun) · Reformed Covenanter · Dec 9, 2020.