Michael Gary Scott is a fictional character in the NBC sitcom The Office, portrayed by Steve Carell. Michael is the regional manager of the Scranton, ...
People also ask
What happened with Michael Scott?
Scranton, Pennsylvania, U.S. Towards the end of the seventh season, he marries human resources representative Holly Flax and moves to Colorado with her in "Goodbye, Michael", an extended episode. He is then absent from the series until the finale.
Is Michael Scott based on a real person?
Michael Gary Scott is a fictional character on NBC's The Office played by Steve Carell. He is based on David Brent from the British version of the program. Michael is the main character of the series being the Regional Manager of the Scranton branch of a paper distribution company Dunder Mifflin Inc.
Why did Michael Scott leave The Office?
The reasons behind this include Carell wanting to spend more time with his family, but also the network not contacting Carell about renewing his contract. Continuing The Office without Steve Carell's Michael Scott was a big mistake, as the series went downhill without featuring the most important character of the show.
What is Michael Scott's personality?
Steve Carell's main character, Michael Scott, is an ESFP. Although Michael is the Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin, his lack of a filter and penchant for fun get him in trouble. In the pilot episode, Michael admits he's an "entertainer," although his poorly-timed and awkward jokes are often offensive, not amusing.
Michael Gary Scott (born March 15, 1965) is a fictional character on The Office, who is portrayed by Steve Carell and based on David Brent from the British ...
Michael Gary Scott (born March 15, 1964) is the central character of the NBC sitcom The Office. He is based on David Brent from the British version of the show.

Michael Scott

Fictional character
Michael Gary Scott is a fictional character in the NBC sitcom The Office, portrayed by Steve Carell. Michael is the regional manager of the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of Dunder Mifflin, a paper company, for the majority of the series. Wikipedia
Played by: Steve Carell
Spouse: Holly Flax
Notable aliases: Blind Guy McSqueezy, Caleb Crawdad, Date Mike, and more
Based on: David Brent; (British counterpart)
First appearance: "Pilot" (2005)
TV shows
Actual cat version of The Office's Michael Scott. Quirky, crazy cat who'll do anything for attention. Regional Manager. Shop merch!
Michael Scott is an accomplished scriptwriter and headed up the drama department in Tyrone Productions, the creators of Riverdance.
Video for inauthor:"Michael Scott"
Aug 23, 2023 ˇ When Stanford and Scranton were merging and Josh screwed Dunder Mifflin and Jim said say ...
Duration: 14:23
Posted: Aug 23, 2023
Internationally bestselling author of The Desert & the Sea (2018); Too Much of Nothing, a novel about LA; and Sweetness & Blood, a surf travelogue.
Athletic Academic Advisor; Track & Field nut; Photographer. Photos at: SC: urimiscott
Michael Scott is the director of the Center for Problem-Oriented Policing and a clinical professor in the School of Criminology & Criminal Justice at Arizona ...
Video for inauthor:"Michael Scott"
Feb 22, 2019 ˇ I know the best of Michael Scott is pretty much EVERY SINGLE SCENE he's in, but we've had ...
Duration: 10:06
Posted: Feb 22, 2019