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inauthor: Katherine Eggert from
This book combines book history and literary criticism to explore how early modern books were richer things than previously imagined.
inauthor: Katherine Eggert from
This book reconceives music as an activity through which meaning is generated in real time, as Cook rethinks familiar assumptions and develops new approaches.
inauthor: Katherine Eggert from
The essays in Modernism and Colonialism offer revisionary accounts of major British and Irish literary modernists relation to colonialism.
inauthor: Katherine Eggert from
Annotation A study of how the physical processes of learning to play a piece of music can enrich and inform the mental process of studying and analyzing the music, using the cello music of Luigi Boccherini as a case study.
inauthor: Katherine Eggert from
It concentrates on the stories & text of opera, that perhaps have more relevence today in a growing literature than it had when it was the "sacrilegious" pioneering work.