Edward Bouverie Pusey was an English Anglican cleric, for more than fifty years Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford. He was one of the leading figures in the Oxford Movement, with interest in sacramental theology and typology. Wikipedia
Born: August 22, 1800, Pusey, United Kingdom
Died: September 16, 1882 (age 82 years), Oxford, United Kingdom
Books: Tracts for the Times, What is of Faith as to Everlasting Punishment?, An Eirenicon. (Part 1. The Church of England, a portion of Christ's one Holy Catholic Church, and a means of restoring visible unity. An Eirenicon, in a letter to the author of"The Christian Year."Sixth thousand.-Part 2. First Letter to ... J. H. Newman ... in explanation chiefly in regard to the reverential love due to the ever-blessed Theotokos, and the doctrine of her Immaculate Conception; with an analysis of Cardinal de Turrecremata's work on the Immaculate Conception.-Part 3. Is healthful Reunion impossible? A second letter to ... J. H. Newman, etc.)., and more
Children: Philip E. Pusey
Parents: Philip Bouverie-Pusey
Education: Christ Church, Oxford; Oriel College, Oxford; University of Göttingen