... addArticle( userId, groupId, 0, 0, 0, titleHelper("test"), false ... site, and collect demographic information about our user base as a whole. Accept ...
JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.addArticle(userId, groupId, parentFolderId, titleMap, ... site, and collect demographic information about our user base as a whole.
I was just looking through Liferay6.1 wsdl and saw addArticle method missing in the JournalArticleService. It's in the Java interface but missing from the ...
addArticle() method with the following relevant parameters: articleId = article.getArticleId(); autoArticleId = false; version = article.getVersion()+0.1 ...
com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService.addArticle() The ... You can also execute a partial reindex, for example, reindex only one site.
Hi Team, We are using Liferay 7 GA3 CE, i want to save web content by my custom portlet by using structure and template,
I've realize that in the Add Article page (Journal portlet) there is a "short way" to configure the article permissions but I can't find this when I update the ...
Hi!!!! I'm trying to add article with api: com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.JournalArticleServiceUtil JournalArticle addArticle(long groupId, * java.lang ...
Thanks for you help. The titleMap should be "{\"en_US\":\"Test JSON Article\"}" String object instead of the real JSON object like {en_US: "Test JSON Article"}.
addArticle(userId, groupId, articleId, autoArticleId, title, description ... site, and collect demographic information about our user base as a whole.